When Disney meets BossaNova

最近手机里一直放着一张专辑, Disney Bossa Nova,百听不厌.i mean, how can it go wrong when you have Bossa Nova and Disney songs?!说实话,除了比较新的Disney movies,我几乎没有看过几部所谓的经典,譬如白雪公主,小美人鱼,但是她们手托着脸颊笑靥如花的形象连在我家盐罐上都能看到.而每每想到那些善良,可爱,被魔法环绕的女子我也会心情轻快许多,仿佛那是女孩的终极典范,和松鼠跳舞小鸟唱歌就能引来happily-ever-after的王子.这样完美,这样随心所欲,正是Bossa Nova摇摆起来的感觉.

很喜欢Bossa Nova版本的Beauty and Beast(by Miucha),那首被改编成无数形式的经典.不同于原曲梦幻般的前奏,bossa版以低沉的女声开头,奠定其感性的基调.而在那莫名语言的低吟中,又仿佛能看到那个经典动画渐渐模糊的情节.
还有一首很喜欢的对唱,Não É Fácil, from Pete's Dragon,似乎是一部很古老的Disney电影.伴着简单的爵士钢琴,一男一女似乎对话似的唱着"its not easy",千回百转地却也不知到底在说些什么.

Album menu:

1. Cruela Cruel (“Cruella de Vil”) Marcos Valle - Walt Disney’s 101 Dalmatians

2. Beauty and the Beast Miucha - Disney’s Beauty and the Beast

3. When You Wish Upon a Star Joyce - Walt Disney’s Pinocchio

4. Under the Sea Bena Lobo - Disney’s The Little Mermaid

5. In a World of My Own Ana Martins - Walt Disney’s Alice In Wonderland

6. À Voar, À Voar, À Voar (“You Can Fly! You Can Fly! You Can Fly!”) Joyce- Walt Disney’s Peter Pan

7. Um Mundo Ideal (“A Whole New World”) Ivan Lins - Disney’s Aladdin

8. Parte de Seu Mundo (“Part of Your World”) Claudette Soares - Disney’s The Little Mermaid

9. Ciclo sem Fim (“Circle of Life”) Edu Lobo - Disney’s The Lion King

10. Uma Canção (“One Song”) Carlos Lyra - Walt Disney’s Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs

11. Hi-Ho (“Heigh-Ho”) Joyce - Walt Disney’s Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs
12. Es Tu o Principe Azul (“Once Upon a Dream”) Wanda Sa & Joao Donato - Walt Disney’s Sleeping Beauty
13. Bibbidi-Bobbidi-Boo Joyce - Walt Disney’s Cinderella

14. Não é Fácil (“It’s Not Easy ”) [amusement mix - remixed by IWAMURA manabu] - Disney’s Pete’s Dragon

Girl from Ipanema

Girl from Ipanema
(Vinicius DeMoraes / Norman Gimbel / Tom Jobim)
Tall and tanned and young and lovely 
when she passes each man she passe
the girl from Ipanema goes walking and
s goes Aaah! When she moves it's like a samba 
n she passes each man she passes goes A
that swings so cool and sways so gently that wh
eaah! Oh - but he watches so sadly How - can he tell her he loves her 
he sea She looks straight ahead not a
He - would just give his heart gladly But each day when she walks to 
tt he Tall and tanned and young and lovely the girl from Ipanema goes walking and when she passes he smiles 
but she doesn't see no she doesn't see 
she just doesn't see...



最近几天好多朋友过生日.18号anita奔了二,家里又多了位阿姨.我给她买了在诚品网路书店看到的黄色的"my document"的电脑包,心里很有点不舍,好像把自己心目中的男神拱手送她人.不过只要收礼的人高兴就好.晚上10点趁anita上班时我和amanda烤了一个绿茶蛋糕,鼻屎大的厨房搞得一团乱,临烤前发现家里糖不够,抹茶粉又买错,但凑凑和和居然还烤出了一个能下咽的蛋糕,很行.

昨天晚上是一年一度的ASC Talent Show,我和anita勉强进入最后一轮表演,但自知实力有限,就没抱着得300刀的心情来参加,自然不会很紧张.唱的是方大同&薛凯琪的"复刻回忆",由于原本是桑田佳佑的老歌,很多日本人也听过,所以应该会变成一场全民karaoke.我先唱,开口的两个音有点颤抖,在台上几架音响和寂静漆黑的舞台之间听得格外清晰,但我是只要一上台就什么都可以放下,仿佛在这片漆黑里只有我自己存在.整首歌像计划好得那样完成了.走的路线没有走错,也几乎没忘词,考虑到我们准备时间之急促,已经算是一个奇迹了.最后一个音符快要落下的时候,我看着没镁光灯打得耀眼的anita,突然有一点点想哭的冲动.曲终,jamie送来两束花,给我的是黄色的daisy.我不知道自己的最爱是什么,但daisy让我高兴.而且据jamie称很像我.

上周我正式作为Dr Rodney Ho of School of Pharmacy的assistant开始工作.薪水不多,也不能算很有趣,但让我学到很多东西,怎么做好助理,怎么与社会上的人相处.Rodney老头脾气不错,那天我要早退也笑呵呵的同意,还问我是不是去date.我笑着摇摇头,窗外的西雅图的春光和暖.

dedicate to my favorite girls

dont know if you ll ever see this, but i just wanna write something to dedicate to you, my most supportive friends ive made here in college (and for life...i hope). ive been thru a lot of hardtime this week. nothing feels right. i screwed up in two math tests in a row; i realized that there's something wrong with my "love-at-first-sight"; i started doubting about myself whether i ll ever be able to love someone with my heart and soul and actually be crazy and dizzy for someone and be honest to myself. but its not until i talked and laughed and be silly with you girls that i realized how lucky i am and how grateful i should be to have them back me up. 
i made the worlds most comforting dumplings with Rose which had the healing power of a upset heart(both food and you); i sang and hula-danced along the "over the rainbow" Shino played on ukulele and laughed at ourselves like tw
o idiots(Ashley joined the mocking); i sat on Anita's bed and we bitched about the crazy people at ASC talent show that we knew; Jamie was cheering me up by showing me "poker face"mv and how her sister mistakenly thought its some black singing "cant read my mocha face". when i was laughing my lung out i suddenly said to Jamie "i wish there's someone who can make me laugh like you" and tears tickled from my eyes. she didnt notice; i try to hold it back because i know i should stop being so emo. at least i shouldnt make them worry about me cause all i want for them is carefree happiness.

here are my most beautiful and kind and laughable ladies:

Rose & Xanadu(死孩子在北京逍遥呢):

Shino & her favorite thanks-giving meal:

Anita & her graceful EMOness:

Jamie & the sunshine around her:

this crappy week surely ended happily. and i just want to say i love you all, very very much. <3

cinema paradiso - 天堂电影院

          Phillipe Noiret and Salvatore Cascio in Cinema Paradiso

昨天晚上,一个人窝在冰冷的entertainment room,看完了一直想看但没有机会看的cinema paradiso.电影太家喻户晓.想必所有人都能模糊地勾勒出一个小男孩多多,那个老爷爷,一台手动的老式放映机和闪烁的霓虹招牌"Cinema paradiso",哪怕从未看过 老爷爷的一生很可悲.他活在一个关于电影的梦里,只能靠摇着手中的放映机才不会醒来.多多也很可悲,他的初恋潦草结束,他没有勇气面对过去的小镇,过去的人们,而他的现在也是些被利益趋势的女演员睡在他旁边.他牺牲了爱的权力,换来的只是"名导演"一个头衔.多多的母亲也很可悲.她一遍遍拨着多多的电话,一遍遍被陌生女人嘲笑并挂断.她明知道儿子在经历着怎样的生活却没办法把他捞出苦海.影片充满可悲的人,所以很压抑,甚至胜过感动.但每每电影主旋律响起,我就不能自制地流泪,电影中点滴的可悲像是胶片一样在眼前回放.




黄水仙开了 春节快乐

如果不是在美国,我不会理解过春节的幸福.我把一切看作理所当然:和老妈去超市采购零食,在爷爷奶奶家热火朝天的包饺子,和老爸开车到郊区买最漂亮的烟花,起床收到无数肉麻的拜年短信,闻桌子上那盆水仙的清香.如今,老爸老妈不在身边,朋友散播各地,只能买一盆水仙慰藉自己过春节的小小欲望.在seattle买不到一般的水仙,我就在trader joes买了盆黄水仙,叫daffodil.这是株很小的水仙,长在土里,没有一点点清香,但是当我望着她,时空似乎默默转换,转换到我北京的大沙发,木茶几,和电视前那株每年都会如期盛开的香气逼人的水仙.我没想到水仙可以抒解乡愁,哪怕只是一点点.

上周六(1/24)在hub,我主持了UW CSSA的山寨春晚.主持前我很紧张.自打离开八一就再没有声调那么洪亮地念过稿子了.但一走到台上似乎又找回了那